I am getting sick of the bullshit
lately on Facebook. I literally can't
open it anymore without seeing some attack on Liberals, claiming we are
un-American. Traitors. Evil. Post after post about how Liberals are
offended by the American Flag, offended by expecting people to work, and
offended by Christianity. How we hate everything "American."
And to this I have to say:
shut the fuck up.
I love my country. Every Liberal I know loves their
country. We can be disappointed in it,
want it to be better than it is, and be pissed off at the things it does, and still
love it. Stop beating us with the
traitor stick just because we don't agree with you. (And also, stop waving in our faces that the
Democrats were behind the Civil War. Of
course they were, we know that, but we also know that the two parties have
changed significantly since Lincoln .)
Let me give you a brief of
my family history. My family has been
here since the 1650's. I have ancestors
who signed both the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. My family has fought in EVERY war America has been involved in, and has since before the United States was the United States . They have
pioneered the West, and built cities in the East.
I had an uncle who was
immortalized in the Band of Brothers; he was the soldier who got shot in the
ass. My Grandfather sacrificed his lungs
and his health working in the shipyards during World War II. My father served in the A Shau valley, where
he earned a Bronze Star. And he wasn't
drafted, he signed up willingly as an enlisted man, and then went to college to
reenlist as on officer. Then, working
for the Department of Defense after retiring from a 20 year military career, he
was the arms negotiator for the Camp David Accords.
On the Civilian front, My
great Aunt Winifred was one of the first Doctors to research a cure for Polio,
funded personally by Franklin Roosevelt.
My Great Uncle was the Vice President of Caterpillar Tractors. My mother served as a deputy Press
Secretary for two Governors, a US Senator and a two US Representatives.
And all of them, EVERY
SINGLE ONE, as far back as we go in this country , was a Liberal.
So, I have to say, I'm sick
of it. Sick of being accused of being a
traitor, just because I believe in the Social Compact, Equality and Justice,
because I am sick to death of war, because I don't believe that apologizing for
atrocities committed by the government equals hatred for my country, because my
heart is torn apart every time I see a black man executed without trial by an
out of control police officer.
But apparently, these views and beliefs are
no longer acceptable thoughts for a true American.
So I'll tell you what is not acceptable, the Confederate Flag. It is a flag of treason. It is a symbol of hate, and in my opinion, ANYONE who proudly flies it is a traitor to
But even more, what is not acceptable is the fetishization of rebellion and revolution.
If you hate an America that allows people like me to be citizens of this
country, please have your revolution, build camps and execute us all. We had a chance in this country to finally
start to move the dialog forward on the inherent racism of the Confederate
flag, and of the systemic discrimination that still plagues our country. We had a chance to come together as one nation and say, enough, no more. We had a chance to finally start healing the festering wound that has refused to heal for a hundred and fifty years.
But what do we get? The
nincompoops on Fox not-news claiming the Charleston Terrorist Attack is not
racially motivated, but is better understood as an anti-Christian Crime,
perpetrated by a person who hates America . Yes he hates
America , in that he hates seeing a Black Man walk down the
street unbound and unshackled. We get a massive condemnation of any company that exercises their right to refuse to sell anything related to the Civil War. We get outrage that the left dares to be outraged by racism, discrimination and symbols of hate.
I see the Right in this
country shred both the constitution and every single human dignity, while
claiming to be the only TRUE Americans. I
see the Fundamentalists eviscerate the message of Jesus, all the while claiming
that "GOD HATES FAGS." I see
the Neo-Confederate traitors call for revolution, all the while screaming
So I will put it out
there. If you don't think that I am a
good American, if you think I am damned to hell because of what I believe, if
you think this world would be better off if I was dead, then FUCKING DO IT.
Quit your whining, and pull
the GODDAMN trigger. Round us up and
stick us in those camps that you claim are being built to execute YOU. Have your Kristallnacht and your Reichstag
Fire to paint us as the enemy, and lock us into Ghettoes to prevent us from
committing race treason. And then live
with what you have done. Own it, revel
in it. You will get to write the
history to paint yourselves as the saviors of America, and since we will all be dead, we won't be able to contradict you.
admit that even though we disagree, we can agree to do so, and still respect
each other. Work with us to heal the
wounds that have now bled for a century and a half. Admit that we care as passionate as you do
about this nation, and join with us to make the country better and
stronger. Meet us halfway, and we will
do the same.
The country stands at a
precipice like none since the Civil War, and just like then, our side cannot
stop what is coming. No matter how hard
we might try to change the course of the ship,
there's still a madman at the wheel trying to crash into the iceberg.
And if we do so, the whole
ship will sink, not just the liberal half.
The choice is in your hands.